Pascal Boquet
Expert Consultant
in Relational Efficiency
Founder and CEO of ARUM AcCESs
Is common sense soluble in rules and processes ?
I created ARUM AcCESs to answer this question.
Emergency caused in change, resilience of people, disruptive approaches, acceleration of transformations, digital leadership, information overload, “imposed” pace, dependence on management and communication tools, desire for an agile organization, a start-up mind, management at/remote, generations X, Y and Millennials, act in complexity , … and many other words or concepts show us how leading men and women in the company has gone far beyond the stage of methods and techniques to become a true art.
Senior executive, operational managers, functional managers, project managers, salespeople are coping with the challenges of a relationship more and more complex in an evolving environment for the last 30 years.
Understanding the world and its evolutions, being able to show free will through knowledge, connecting subjects to operate them in a “harmonious” whole have become the strategic levers to make action in the service of performance.
The creative essence of ARUM AcCESs is to promote behavioral science, based on relational efficiency and common sense, as part of the organization’s strategy.
Credo: See differently to see better.
Job: Expert Consultant in Relational Efficiency.
Belief: “If backlash is the soul of a mechanism, relationship is the soul of an organization”.
Rule for action: the “Ockham razor” or principle of parsimony. “The more complex the subject is, the more you have to answer it simply”.
Passion and motto: Board games. “We learn more about someone in an hour of play than in a year of conversation” (attributed to Aristote).
- President of Vivre-Autrement Association (“Living from work to overcome disability” / 300 users welcomed / 80 employees / 4 establishments).
- Double degree AES and Economic Sciences PARIS X Nanterre (1981 – 1986).
- Founding member and president of AvEnirS Paris X AES student association.
- eGoPrism, eGoChange, Insights Discovery and Deeper, Talent Q certified.
- Confirmed English.
2019 I ARUM AcCESs
Founder and C.E.O.
AcCESs for Accompanying, Consulting, Education and Solutions in Relational Efficiency. -
2012-2019 LHH ALTEDIA Consulting Division
Project Director, Consulting Committee Member. -
1998-2014 I DYNARGIE, LHH Altedia Group
Director of Missions – member of the Executive Committee. -
1991- 1998 I UNIWARE – S.S.I.I.
Manager of the Training and Customer Advisory Division. -
1988 – 1991 I ADECCO
Sales Development Manager in Computer and Office Tools Training center.
Director of a temporary work agency. -
1981-1987 I CODIA
Sales & range management.